
Kai Chen (陈凯)

I am a second-year PhD student at University of Southern California(USC), where I work at the Information Sciences Institute (USC-ISI). I am advised by Prof Kristina Lerman. My research interest mainly revolves around computational social science and natural language processing. Specifically, I am interested in safety and alignment of large language models (LLMs). Recently, I have been studying ideological manipulation in LLMs. I also use LLM to understand the influence campaign in online social media.

Email: kchen035 AT; kchen AT


  • Aug. 2023 - Present
    Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Southern California
    Advisor: Prof. Kristina Lerman
  • Aug. 2020 - Dec. 2022
    M.S. in Computer Science, University of Southern California
    Advisor: Prof. Kristina Lerman; Prof. Jonathan May
  • Sep. 2016 - Jun. 2020
    B.E. in Software Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology


(*: equal contribution)


Professional Service

    Program Committee Member/Reviewer:
    ARR (2024), COLING (2024), ICWSM (2024)
